A short time from now, at a conference venue far, far away (at least from Amherst, MA…):
The papers on this panel examine the relationship between the Star Wars franchise and socio-political dynamics in the area of international security, broadly defined. In other words, this panel focuses specifically on the inter-relationship between pop culture ideas and “real-world” security-seeking processes and practices. The papers span methodological approaches, but all reflect on or empirically investigate connections between Star Wars’ fictional memes, concepts or allegories and the real-world security-seeking practices of states or other actors – and reflect on those connections.
Saturday, 4:00-5:45, Hilton Atlanta Room 305. Hope to see some of you there!
These days, all I do is
Wonder if you bendin’ over backwards for someone else
Wonder if you’re rollin’ up a backwoods for someone else
Doing things I taught you, gettin’ nasty for someone else
You don’t need no one else
Haven’t been to an ISA conf. in a dog’s age and won’t be at this one, but that’s a clever/cute trailer.