Dangerous IR scholars?

16 February 2006, 1642 EST

Marxist turned right-winger David Horowitz’s latest book is The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America (Regnery Publishing Inc.). I’m not going to link to that book, but I will refer readers to a complete list of the professors, unadorned with Horowitz’s text, that was posted on the lbo-talk listserv (that’s Left Business Observer).

I tip my hat (or duck bill, whatever seems appropriate) to Chris at Explananda), for noting that Princeton scholar of international politics Richard Falk is among those listed.

Chris didn’t note that Cornell’s Matthew Evangelista is also on the list. Having not seen Horowitz’s book, I could not at first imagine why this would be. Maybe because he directs a Peace Studies program? Oh, wait, I think this might be it. Evangelista thinks the Bush administration should act within the UN system and international law, else it might “wreck the framework for international law.”

Good thing for me Horowitz didn’t see this from 2003.

Moving along, Ali Mazrui of SUNY Binghamtom makes the list too. So that’s at least 3 IR scholars among the top 100!

Who am I missing?

Some IR scholars address the work of MIT’s Noam Chomsky, but he’s a linguist by training. Obviously, he writes and speaks about IR frequently.

Please review the list and let me know if I’m overlooking someone from the field.

Oh, and don’t forget to add your comment to this old post about the “most influential IR scholars.” I’d still like to know reader views of the most influential IR books and articles from the past 15 years and the most important IR thinkers under age 50.

Note: The Chronicle of Higher Education has a short interview with one of the named scholars, Penn State English professor Michael Bérubé, in the February 17 issue. On his blog, Bérubé had an entertaining Valentine’s Day post about his relations with Horowitz.

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Rodger A. Payne is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Louisville. He serves on the University’s Sustainability Council and was a co-founder of the Peace, Conflict, and Social Justice program. He is the author of dozens of journal articles and book chapters and coauthor, with Nayef Samhat, of Democratizing Global Politics: Discourse Norms, International Regimes, and Political Community (SUNY, 2004). He is currently working on two major projects, one exploring the role of narratives in international politics and the other examining the implications of America First foreign policy.