Gonzales Resigns

by Peter

27 August 2007, 1229 EDT

The NY Times is reporting that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has tendered his resignation.

This is a pretty big deal, I think– Gonzales was under fire for all kinds of activities, many stemming from a secret intelligence program that includes spying on American targets without a warrant. He had lost a lot of credibility and ability to function effectiviely as the nation’s highest law enforcement officer. However, one thing that sticks in the back of my mind–when Rove resigned, he mentioned that White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten said that anyone leaving should leave by Labor Day, otherwise, all folks would be expected to stick it out for the duration. Could it be as simple as that?

The big deal, though, is the fact that Bush now has to name a successor and that person has to pass through Sen. Leahy’s Judiciary Committee. The nominee, whoever he or she is, will have some very difficult questions to answer. Attorney General is a rather important cabinet post, so I’d imagine a successor will be named soon, and those hearings will serve as a site for all kinds of pent-up frustration with the Bush Administration.

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Dr. Peter Howard focuses on US foreign policy and international security. He studies how the implementation of foreign policy programs produces rule-based regional security regimes, conducting research in Estonia on NATO Expansion and US Military Exchange programs and South Korea on nuclear negotiations with North Korea.