I have been meaning for a few days to respond to this query on the law of land warfare posted recently at La Riposte:
Article 25 of the Hague Convention on the Law of Land Warfare states “The attack or bombardment, by whatever means, of towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings which are undefended is prohibited” and violation of this article is listed as a War Crime under Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Do American drone attacks on family compounds within Afghanistan and Pakistan, believed to be occupied by members of the Taliban violate Article 25?
It is difficult to imagine how such a building, located in a village full of civilians could be construed as being defended, especially against an unmanned aircraft flying 25,000 feet overhead. Adequate defense against such an attacker would have to consist of air-defense artillery or missiles with a sophisticated tracking system to locate and engage the small, quiet drones.
Let’s consider a couple of justifications that might possibly be made for what appears, on the surface, to be an egregious violation of the Laws of Land Warfare. First, someone might claim that the building wasn’t the target – it was only a particular person or persons inside the building who were the targets, and the nature of the structure they were occupying was immaterial. But using that logic, such persons could be legitimately targeted anywhere, including schools, mosques, hospitals, and any other building.
It’s also possible someone could claim that just because there were people in the house who possessed guns, the building was “defended.” Such an argument rings hollow on several counts. First, inhabitants of Pakistan’s tribal areas are allowed to have weapons, precisely for the defense of their persons and property. Second, simply because the occupant of a building has a weapon, it doesn’t mean they will use it defensively. If approached by military or police forces they may choose to run away, to surrender, or to fight. Only in the latter case would the building become a “defended” position and thus merit bombardment.
I have only two things to add to this analysis, with which I generally concur. The first is that the general prohibition in the original Hague Conventions, reiterated in the Rome Statute, is also given more nuance by Articles 48-57 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 1977. Some of the treaty law relevant to this question includes:From Article 48:
The provisions of this Protocol with respect to attacks apply to all attacks in whatever territory conducted, including the national territory belonging to a Party to the conflict but under the control of an adverse Party.
From Article 49, which among other things suggests these rules probably apply not only in Afghanistan but also in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere in this “globalized” “war”:
“The provisions of this Protocol with respect to attacks apply to all attacks in whatever territory conducted, including the national territory belonging to a Party to the conflict but under the control of an adverse Party.”
Article 51 spells out more closely the definition of “civilians,” but in terms of the question asked by E. about dwellings, it is the definition of “civilian objects” that really matters, and that is in Article 52:
para. 1: Civilian objects shall not be the object of attack or of reprisals. Civilian objects are all objects which are not military objectives as defined in paragraph 2.
para. 2: Attacks shall be limited strictly to military objectives. In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.
para. 3: In case of doubt whether an object which is normally dedicated to civilian purposes, such as a place of worship, a house or other dwelling or a school, is being used to make an effective contribution to military action, it shall be presumed not to be so used.
Finally, Article 57 outlines precautions to be taken prior to attacks, specifically those:
with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects
Now note that the precautions to be taken are those to avoid civilian deaths rather than injury to one’s own forces, which suggests to me that the use of unmanned craft at all in situations such as these is particularly galling, since part of the key purpose of drones, and air power in general, is the minimization of harm to our ground forces.
Now here’s the catch, however. The United States is not a party to the Additional Protocol I, so in international law terms the question of whether the US must adhere to these rules remains open. One argument sometimes made is that these rules are accepted by so many states they have the status of binding customary law. The International Committee of the Red Cross has in fact, has made this claim; though others such as David McGrogan demur.
One way to look at this, however, is that AP1 constitutes not a set of new rules but rather a widely recognized clarification of the general prohibition in the original Hague treaty (to which the US is a party) and that therefore it is reasonable to assume that the US ought to be following these guidelines if it means to conform to Hague rules.
My final comment on this query, however, is to say that the key ethical concerns here are not really about drones per se, but about the use of air power at all in civilian areas where the goal is simply to pick off a small number of specific individuals.
Charli Carpenter is a Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. She is the author of 'Innocent Women and Children': Gender, Norms and the Protection of Civilians (Ashgate, 2006), Forgetting Children Born of War: Setting the Human Rights
Agenda in Bosnia and Beyond (Columbia, 2010), and ‘Lost’ Causes: Agenda-Setting in Global Issue Networks and the Shaping of Human Security (Cornell, 2014). Her main research interests include national security ethics, the protection of civilians, the laws of war, global agenda-setting, gender and political violence, humanitarian affairs, the role of information technology in human security, and the gap between intentions and outcomes among advocates of human security.
My quick £0.02 on this is 1) I think that there is general agreement that API rules on targeting are customary. That is certainly the line I get all of the time – not that API made them customary but that they pretty much encapsulate the customary rules. US practice is to abide by them.
2) And this is the thing that no one ever seems to talk about – is that while API 57 is important, so is the notion that defenders have obligations – notably to distinguish themselves from the population and to conduct their hostilities accordingly. Refusal to do so is also a war crime.
3) There is no obligation to subject your forces to harm. Precautions in attack have to do with due diligence – not throwing troops in harms way in order to minimize causalities so long as those operations are proportionate.
Actually I should probably add here that you need to be careful – an undefended building is NOT by definition a civilian building. Undefended buildings can still be legitimate military objectives (ie: unguarded military HQ for example.)
1) I too “get that line” all the time, but I'm not sure that makes it true in empirical terms, much as I would like to be convinced that it is. Also, given the facts at hand I'm not sure you can argue that US practice is to abide by the rules.
2) You're right to mention the obligation of defenders which is actually listed in Article 51(2). However it's not true that no one mentions it; where I often see this point raised is in the context of excusing attackers for then avoiding their obligations to take precautionary measures. Where it ought to be raised is in the context of prosecuting defenders for violations of the laws of war after the fact. Indeed, the very next article of AP1 underscores that violations of the rules on the part of defenders doesn't release the attackers from their obligations to the civilian population.
3) I would disagree that “there is no obligation to subject your forces to harm” – or at least, to risk. While this may not be stated explicitly, nearly every explicit rule in the treaty would, if implemented properly, sometime entail risks to one's forces, and that's the whole reason why a treaty agreeing to these rules was needed. Now, it doesn't mean you can't also try to minimize those risks, but the idea of proportionality and military necessity means weighing those risks against the risks t civilians and when needed, prioritizing the protection of civilians.
Based on my experiences at DoD last year I would say that it is pretty much the official US line whether you believe it or not. The US position on API is largely that of the UK (with the same reservations).
But more importantly, if it was an obligation to expose your troops to harm I don't think you'd get a lot of signatories to these treaties. Can you really ask soldiers to deliberately disadvantage themselves? This has been tried before with weapons law and it's never worked. I just don't see a legal obligation here.
Rather, I think this approach reads far too much into the treaties. I agree it's an ethical consideration (Walzer's comment during Kosovo in objection to the bombing from 30,000 feet that if you are willing to kill you should be willing do die comes to mind). But it's just that – an ethical consideration more than a legal one – one that you might see within a particular Rules of Engagement than in a Law of War book.
Besides, I would think that states forcing their own soldiers to take on extra risk is a very dubious moral stance when it comes to the covenant between soldier and state. it's one thing to ask soldiers to put their lives on the line. It's another to say “well we could defend you better in this situation but we're not going to”. What is this saying to your soldiers? So long as the operation is necessary (there is a military advantage to be gained) and proportionate (and meets the requirements of having taken precautions in attack, etc) there is no obligation to impose extra risk either morally or legally in my view.