Friday Morning Linkage

3 August 2012, 1230 EDT

  • Political Violence @ a Glance has a new “Q&A” feature for readers. I have a question. How did they out-Borg the Duck? They have more contributors than we’ve ever had and they’ve been around for, what, four months? But, in all seriousness, the breadth and depth of talent at the blog is amazing, and showcases what more people in our field ought to be doing.
  • Mobilizing Ideas has a series of essays on the pedagogy of social-movement studies. 
  • Maximizing scholarly productivity, at
  • Tim Burke writes about gaming, culture, and gaming culture.
  • Steve Burt’s contribution to “Kirk Your Enthusiasm” is now out. I’ve been underwhelmed by some of the installments, but this one is excellent. 
  • On the Olympics and Being Indigenous.”
  • The Conservapedia entry on the 2012 Olympics is, uh, interesting. Among other noteworthy facts, apparently Britain disestablished when I wasn’t looking (via LGM).
  • Brad DeLong reposts his review of David Landes’ The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. Some very good comments as well over there. I agree with DeLong that the industrial revolution was a pretty contingent affair, but I’m not sure I would lay so much stress on the scope of Protestant political control. This is something PM and I have been discussing, so maybe he’ll have something to say on the matter. Of course, DeLong is always terrific on economic history, so whatever he writes is worth reading. 
  • Greater Greater Washington opposes widening Route 1 around Fort Belvoir. This is all fallout from poor planning surrounding the BRAC and consolidation of activities at Fort Belvoir without any attention to the state of local infrastructure.
  • Daniel Bor on what the Jonah Lehrer scandal says about contemporary science writing (via Jordan Ellenberg)
  • Charlie Stross discusses the low-power computing revolution