The cheesecake wore a raspberry sorbet. Photo: Dan Nexon |
- Oops (updated)…, I forgot to add a link to coverage of the anti-Japanese riots and protests in China, and to backstory on the purchase of the islands.
- A thoughtful piece by Jill Sargent Russel at Kings of War on Syria, diplomacy, and intervention.
- Jay Ulfelder expresses concern about the future of democracy in South Africa.
- BLTN: my colleague Chris Fair argues that it is time to “blacklist Pakistan” (via zenpundit).
- Matt Stoller reviews Tim Mitchell’s Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil.
- The New York Times chronicles the brilliant, eclectic, and all-around nice guy Steven Burt.
- Et tu, Harvard? Tim Burke finds another advertisement for a humanities job that requires applicants to be a recent PhD.
- John G. Hartness: “how not to get published [in SF&F].” I wish that we approached political-science writing with attention to craft and style.