Monday Morning Linkage

10 December 2012, 0500 EST

Morning Ducks! Here’s your Monday morning round-up:

South Asia:

  • The US has informed the UN, in compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, that the US military detained more than 200 teens for about a year at a time on average in a military prison next to Bagram Airfield.  Most of the children were around age 16 but some were as young as 11.  The youth were kept in the general facility for “enemy combatants” population.  Under the Bush administration, 2,500 youth were detained by the US military in Iraq.
  • In related troubling news, a US military official contended that “Some Afghan kids aren’t bystanders.”  So you know… logically, the courageous thing to do when you can’t tell whether children aged 12, 10, and 8 are gathering dung for fuel or emplacing IEDs is to blow them to smithereens with an air strike.

West Asia/North Africa:

East Asia


  • Mexico: Sixty thousand killed in six years, including 30 mayors (h/t B. Phillips).  Good luck President Nieto.


  • The latest round of climate change talks being held (without any trace of irony) in Qatar, the country with the highest per capita carbon footprint in the world has extended the Kyoto Protocol to 2020.  Not surprisingly, the final agreement will not make any significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions or provide new financing to developing countries struggling to deal with the consequences of climate change.

And of course:

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Vikash is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Asian Studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY. His main areas of academic interest are (post-) globalization, economic development, and economic freedom, with a regional focus on South Asia