Note on Podcast No. 16

14 12 2012

I recorded an interview with Rob Farley yesterday on academic blogging and the academic blogsphere. I had planned to put it up this evening but, like, I suspect, a lot of Americans, I’ve been a bit distracted for the last few hours.

The upshot is that I haven’t completed post-production and the podcast will likely not be available until tomorrow.

I know it won’t be long before we get into some kind of discussion about the Atlantic community’s relative indifference to deaths outside of its borders. For now, let’s just leave it at this: certain facts of media coverage, the cognitive basis of empathy, and so forth make variegated emotional responses inevitable. The underlying morality of those differential responses is certainly worth discussing… but I don’t particularly feel like doing so at this moment.

In sum, I’m calling it a work day and picking up my daughter from aftercare.

All the best.