In honor of the drum major for peace, here’s your (rather abbreviated) MLK Holiday edition of Monday morning linkage:
- Some reactions to Zero Dark Thirty are, well … rather predictable… since Islamophobia has become the tolerated form of bigotry in the West and particularly in ‘Merica.
- Novelist, Teju Cole, writes Seven [Really, Really] Short Stories about Drones on Twitter. Zack Beauchamp doesn’t really get it. Not boring and nuanced enough. FFS it’s a series of tweets! …. By the way don’t tell him about Daisy Rockwell’s Little Book of Terror.
- Hamid Dabashi asks “Can Non-Europeans Think?“
- At last, a new kinda hoodie for the age of drones. (h/t Ed Webb)
And finally, a rather timeless speech from Reverend King on why he opposed the war in Vietnam…
Vikash is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Asian Studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY. His main areas of academic interest are (post-) globalization, economic development, and economic freedom, with a regional focus on South Asia
you don’t think you’re essentializing “the West,” and America, with that first bullet a bit?