Monday Morning Linkage – MLK Holiday Edition

21 January 2013, 0500 EST

In honor of the drum major for peace, here’s your (rather abbreviated) MLK Holiday edition of Monday morning linkage:

  • Some reactions to Zero Dark Thirty are, well … rather predictable… since Islamophobia has become the tolerated form of bigotry in the West and particularly in ‘Merica.
  • Novelist, Teju Cole, writes Seven [Really, Really] Short Stories about Drones on Twitter.  Zack Beauchamp doesn’t really get it.  Not boring and nuanced enough.  FFS it’s a series of tweets! …. By the way don’t tell him about Daisy Rockwell’s Little Book of Terror.
  • Hamid Dabashi asks “Can Non-Europeans Think?
  • At last, a new kinda hoodie for the age of drones. (h/t Ed Webb)

And finally, a rather timeless speech from Reverend King on why he opposed the war in Vietnam…

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Vikash is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Asian Studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY. His main areas of academic interest are (post-) globalization, economic development, and economic freedom, with a regional focus on South Asia