- The Mali campaign continues. As does the Syrian civil war. And the UN is seeking an expanded mandate in the Congo.
- Anonymous hacks the United States Sentencing Commission’s website in retaliation for aggressive prosecution of Swartz.
- Jennifer Lind argues that Japanese politicians must confront their country’s past.
- Anton Stezhnev isn’t so sure about Chris Fair et al.’s new piece in the Atlantic on drone strikes and Pakistani public opinion.
- Alex Harrowell rounds up some pretty random financial-crisis stuff. There unifying theme, of sorts, is in the title.
And also:
- The Pew Research Center wants to know “how Millennial are you?”
- An interesting review of Hilary Putnam’s Philosophy in the Age of Science: Physics, Mathematics, and Skepticism (via 3QD).
- How do you know the shelf life of a book is coming to its end? When its sales rank at Amazon consistently pushes 1000K.
- Another HD version of a game that I don’t have time to play.
- Adam Elkus provides a different kind of riff on Zero Dark Thirty.