A Global Survey of IR Students – Might be Worth Pitching in your Classes

15 May 2013, 2336 EDT

Daryl Morini, an IR PhD candidate at the University of Queensland whom I know, has put together an interesting global survey for undergraduate and graduate students of international relations. It looks pretty thorough and might make a pretty interesting student couter-point to TRIP. Eventually the goal is an article on our students’ attitudes toward the discipline; here is the full write-up of  the project at e-IR. So far as I know, nothing like this has been done before (please comment if that is incorrect), so this strikes me as the interesting sort of student work we should support. Daryl’s made an interesting effort to use Twitter as a simulation tool in IR, so I am happy to pitch this survey for him. Please take a look; Daryl may be contacted here.

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Associate Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Pusan National University, Korea
Home Website: https://AsianSecurityBlog.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @Robert_E_Kelly