I don’t care much for APSA. Indeed, this year I am continuing my recent tradition of skipping it entirely. But it always occasions discussion in the political-science blogsphere. This year the focus of that discussion, at least as it pertains to conferencing as an activity, appears to be on “networking.”
Steve recently echoed the substantive part of Brian’s post in recommending a focus on meeting younger scholars rather than pursuing brief meetings with “big names” in the field. He also suggests a variety of social and professional events as good venues to meet people. Dan Drezner advises PhD students and untenured faculty not to get stressed about networking, and also provides some similar advice:
I would recommend that younger scholars realize the following when it comes to networking at APSA:
1) The best kind of networking is always — always — to research, write and present really good papers. Really.
2) There is a small arbitrage opportunity to be had with the kind of networking that Rathbun is discussing. You can try to make the Milners and the Keohanes and the Lakes of the world remember you. That’s a very crowded market, however, and they are bombarded with people trying to Get to Know Them. Instead, connect with the people who seem to be writing/presenting the work that you find to be the most interesting. That’s how you’ll improve your own ideas — and then see (1) above.
3) You don’t have to network at all. It likely helps your professional development a little bit on the margins, but not nearly as much as you would think. The opportunity costs are small compared to researching and publishing good work. Pour your manic energy into the latter far more than the former, and don’t fret that you’re missing all the cool parties if you don’t feel like schmoozing.
Erik Voeten agrees with Dan:
I think this is both right and potentially useful for mental sanity. Small talk at conferences is not going to get your article accepted in that prestigious journal nor will it land you a job at that university you always wanted to be at. It is important to get to know the people in your field but that is a gradual process much of which takes place after people start inviting you because they like your work. Stay focused on meeting people with whom you share intellectual interests and don’t be too worried if some other grad student manages to line up coffees with all the “big people.” If you have to spend time in lobbies at all, consider playing bingo rather then seeking opportunities to have small talk with “VIPs.”
This is all good advice. But I have a slightly different spin: don’t “network” at all. Instead, meet and talk to people with the goal of having conversations that:
- Deepen your knowledge, thinking, and ideas with respect to the substance and methodology of your work;
- Expand your boundaries by engaging with people who work on different subjects, use different methodologies, or both;
- Teach you things about life at other institutions, in other parts of the world, in different modes of being, and in other subfields; and
- Provide fun and amusement on topics unrelated to your professional pursuits.
I can’t recall ever going to a conference with the goal of “networking,” but in my 14+ years of conference attendance I have developed a range of close friends, collaborators, and pleasant acquaintances through social and professional interaction. Sometimes I have approached “big names” in the field, but usually because I’m interested in what they have to say about something or want to pursue a disagreement.
I can’t stress how much I enjoy talking to new people at conferences and reconnecting with friends and colleagues. Our field is full of fascinating people, most of whom have strong intellectual passions and almost all of whom like to talk about themselves. That’s a great environment, even (or perhaps, especially) for people like me, e.g., who are basically introverts and have a somewhat unwelcoming demeanor.
Thus, my core advice:
- Be professional and impressive in your presentations;
- Instead of adopt an instrumental approach toward conference interactions, treat that interaction as an end in of itself; and
- Enjoy yourself.
Daniel H. Nexon is a Professor at Georgetown University, with a joint appointment in the Department of Government and the School of Foreign Service. His academic work focuses on international-relations theory, power politics, empires and hegemony, and international order. He has also written on the relationship between popular culture and world politics.
He has held fellowships at Stanford University's Center for International Security and Cooperation and at the Ohio State University's Mershon Center for International Studies. During 2009-2010 he worked in the U.S. Department of Defense as a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow. He was the lead editor of International Studies Quarterly from 2014-2018.
He is the author of The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe: Religious Conflict, Dynastic Empires, and International Change (Princeton University Press, 2009), which won the International Security Studies Section (ISSS) Best Book Award for 2010, and co-author of Exit from Hegemony: The Unraveling of the American Global Order (Oxford University Press, 2020). His articles have appeared in a lot of places. He is the founder of the The Duck of Minerva, and also blogs at Lawyers, Guns and Money.
I think this means that Dan is suggesting that folks play ultimate at APSA https://www.whiteoliphaunt.com/duckofminerva/2013/08/ultimate-apsa-2013.html Spirit of the game, indeed.
Now *that* is good advice.
Thanks for that Dan, I second Janice, excellent advice.
Thanks Dan, this is so welcome after all the how-to-be-succesful posts. Very Pirsig-y but all the more true: just focus on quality. Cheers!
I really, really liked this post. I think it helped me tap into something that made me uncomfortable both about Brian’s original post and Laura’s follow-up on sex and power – the notion that the subtext for most of the professional interactions we see at academic conferences is either sex or power or sexualized power or both and especially the notion that we should assume that’s the case of everyone in the field. I think we should generally assume it’s not (though there may be dimensions of both at every conference).
For me, the vast majority of interactions I have at conferences – certainly that I seek out – have tended to be about hanging out with friends I rarely see, most but not all of them at my own rank, usually in the context of interesting intellectual exchanges; meeting new people who are doing similar work differently and possibly germinating new projects with them; and basically enjoying the days-long all-adult, all-political scientist bubble that is so special to people who in their real lives spend some of their time being political scientists and a lot of their time being parents or soccer coaches or community organizers. The chance to marinate in the collective wisdom of the profession for a sustained period is a kind of aphrodisiac in itself, perhaps. But it is at its core an intellectual kind of intimacy that we are sharing in a sort of cult-like setting, and I think to focus on it as primarily sexual politics or as primarily a form of power play across the ranks cheapens the experience most of us have in common – a fascination with thinking differently about our world with people who are just as nerdy as we are.
Nice post, Dan. Now I wish I were going to APSA.
This is fantastic. I think to approach meeting people from an instrumental perspective is soul deadening.