Thursday Late Afternoon “Morning” Linkage

22 August 2013, 1940 EDT

It’s morning somewhere, right? Here are some belated links to stories, covering Richard Haass and Syria, climate change and the IPCC 5th assessment, a lethal bat-born virus, gay rights and Russia, and the new Fukushima nuclear worry…


  • FT op-ed by Richard Haass of all people urging the president to intervene in Syria


  • Draft IPCC Fifth assessment report on climate change impacts leaks, guess what, more climate change
  • Andrew Revkin muses that a focus on current weather and climate attribution may feed into uncertainty and inaction
  • New study – action on short-lived greenhouse gases might not deliver as many reductions if implementation isn’t 100%
  • Fukushima’s reactors are leaking again and it’s bad, very bad
  • Eduardo Porter’s superficial analysis calling for more nuclear power in The New York Times, a smart take supporting nuclear power needs to be written but this isn’t really it
  • Reports on the revival of fossil fuels in Germany are based on misinformation according to the Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Worries that western coal sales from U.S. public lands will upend Obama’s climate policy
  • But maybe the market will help with there simply not being enough money in it to bid for the coal
  • Ecuador drops plan to not drill for oil in Amazon in exchange for $ – not enough $ to not drill


  • Mystery bat-born virus killing people in Saudi Arabia
  • New edited book by João Biehl and Adriana Petryna on critical global health, not sure what is but the book When People Come First looks cool


  • Why a development rather than counter-terrorism strategy is preferable for northern Nigeria
  • MSF to pull out of Somalia – too dangerous for MSF, man’s, that’s bad


  • James Kirchick kicked off Russian-funded TV station after talking about anti-gays laws in Russia instead of Bradley Manning
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Joshua Busby is a Professor in the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas-Austin. From 2021-2023, he served as a Senior Advisor for Climate at the U.S. Department of Defense. His most recent book is States and Nature: The Effects of Climate Change on Security (Cambridge, 2023). He is also the author of Moral Movements and Foreign Policy (Cambridge, 2010) and the co-author, with Ethan Kapstein, of AIDS Drugs for All: Social Movements and Market Transformations (Cambridge, 2013). His main research interests include transnational advocacy and social movements, international security and climate change, global public health and HIV/ AIDS, energy and environmental policy, and U.S. foreign policy.