Wednesday Addams Linkage: Special Andragogy Edition

by PM

14 August 2013, 1042 EDT

Sorry for the lack of Wednesday linkage posts recently. Bizarrely, on a day when I undertake an intercontinental move, I finally have time to catch up on linking. To commemorate the end of summer teaching and the brief respite between summer school and real school (hey, didn’t I join academia so I could have summers off?), here’s some links about teaching.

  • Nineteen observations about teaching by Andrew Joseph Pegoda, especially 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, and 18, but not 17. [Inside Higher Ed]
  • Today’s Word Power is andragogy, which refers to how to teach adults–an enterprise many Duck writers and readers are engaged in–as opposed to the more familiar “pedagogy”, which is of course the teaching of larvae. [Wikipedia]
  • My thoughts on teaching IR (in rough form). [PM’s Question Time]
  • Two books that have changed how I approach the classroom, think about my research, and argue against MOOCs (but also against contemporary university practices): Clueless Academe by Gerald Graff and Our Underachieving Colleges by Derek Bok. Taken together, the two books amount to a call to have students learn more by writing extensively in conversation with the questions that motivate scholars and the interested public–a notion so superficially unoriginal but profoundly radical that it amounts to a rejection of how we teach almost all undergrads, even at the most selective schools.
  • I’d heard of the five-paragraph essay before, but I’d never had to write one (or if I did I never bothered to learn the specific rhythm, since it looks like the topoi I learned when I was a high school foreign extempore). This summer, students asked whether their essays should be in five-paragraph formats. Apparently, American high schools have evolved their own version of the eight-legged essay. Tim Burke has suggestions on how to get students beyond the format; Kevin Drum has more thoughts (and, and).

Finally, for the truly miserable, Buzzfeed has a listsicle for Ph.D. students.

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