[Note: This is a guest post by Sean Kay, Robson Professor of Politics at Ohio Wesleyan University and Mershon Associate at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies at the Ohio State University. He has long-researched and written on NATO policy and worked in the US Department of Defense during the first round of NATO enlargement planning. His forthcoming book is America’s Search for Security: The Triumph of Idealism and the Return of Realism (Rowman and Littlefield, 2014).]
Russia’s incursion into Ukraine presents the United States with a dilemma. The cries to “do something” are loud. The situation in Ukraine is, nonetheless, complicated and there is as much possibility that our efforts to do something can be well-intended but inadvertently make the situation worse.
Political scientists and historians have warned for over 20 years, since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, of the deep ties that Russia has to its relationship to Crimea. Scholars and significant policy figures like George Kennan and former Sen. Sam Nunn repeatedly warned against the risks of NATO enlargement – especially expanding too proximate to vital Russian interests. No less a Cold War hawk than former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, writes in his recent memoir:
…from 1993 onward, the West, and particularly the United States, had badly underestimated the magnitude of Russian humiliation in losing the Cold War and then in the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which amounted to the end of the centuries-old Russian Empire. The arrogance, after the collapse, of American government officials, academicians, businessmen, and politicians, in telling the Russians how to conduct their domestic and international affairs (not to mention the internal psychological impact of their precipitous fall from superpower status) had led to deep and long-term resentment and bitterness…Getting Gorbachev to acquiesce to a unified Germany as a member of NATO had been a huge accomplishment. But moving so quickly after the collapse of the Soviet Union to incorporate so many of its formerly subjugated states into NATO was a mistake…NATO expansion was a political act, not a carefully considered military commitment, thus undermining the purpose of the alliance and recklessly ignoring what the Russians considered their own vital national interests.
With hindsight, the initial rounds of NATO membership – especially including Poland and Romania – were sound strategically and had little negative impact as was anticipated. However, pushing NATO to include promises of future membership for Ukraine and Georgia in 2008 exacerbated serious security problems in the former Soviet area and played into the hands of the strongmen who came to rule Ukraine and who have governed Russia. Russia’s recent behavior is abhorrent – but we do have to understand that as Moscow formulates national interests, they see us as having moved our military sphere of influence deep into their backyard, in ways that we would never for a minute tolerate in our own.
This context is important for understanding how the United States and its allies calibrate their response to the violation of international law that Russia is imposing on Ukraine. For much of the last two decades, the United States has proceeded on the belief that the Russians should get over their historical angst and define their interests as we advise them to. Shockingly (it seems) to us, it turns out the Russians define their interests as the Russians see them. In this sense it is our own belief in the universality of our worldview that has led us to fail to realize that much of the rest of the world sees their situation not as liberals and neoconservatives might think – but rather as realists expect.
As former John McCain 2008 presidential campaign adviser and professor Kori Schake wrote in summer 2013:
“The reason President Obama’s Russia policy is on the rocks is that the White House pretends to be realist but acts like a liberal. It hesitates to acknowledge the legitimacy of Russian interests, perseveres in policies that are not achieving results, and refrains from using power to deter or punish actions contrary to U.S. interests…Instead of a Nixonian ruthlessness that presses our advantages or identifies common interests and sells off issues (and allies) of lesser importance to achieve them…
…the Obama administration has become a continuation of the Bush administration in Russia policy: a bossy liberal, condescendingly explaining to Moscow that if only they understood their true interests as we understand their true interests, they would adopt our policies.”
Schake was right – but this begs the question – if Putin is behaving like realist scholars have predicted and anticipated, how would the United States and its allies best assess Russia’s actions and calibrate their response?
First, one has to be clear eyed about the relative power situation in Ukraine. Russia has intervened in Crimea – why? Most likely Moscow is trying to secure long-term access to its naval base operations in Sevastopol while also creating leverage for shaping the outcomes of future governance in Ukraine. These are, from their perspective vital national interests that will not be highly amenable to outside pressures. For the moment, at least, Russia has lost Ukraine and is taking actions that will make it much harder to regain influence in Kyiv. In that sense, occupying Crimea is an illegitimate, but classic, power play to hold land and create leverage. It is possible that they also might be looking to accelerate processes that would lead eastern regions of Ukraine to choose to secede and join Russia – leading to a division of Ukraine.
Second, what are the risks to us? Every assessment of that must begin with the fact that right now we have an unstable but friendly government in Kyiv that has not yet made an effort to reassure the large Russian population in eastern Ukraine about their future role in the state. This is happening in a state which abuts right up against a Russia armed with nuclear weapons who has included a promise to protect Russian nationals abroad in their military doctrine since the early 1990s. Our interest is that this situation should not escalate and that a process for long-term reconciliation over the future governance of Ukraine is put in place while the current situation is calmed.
Third, if our objectives are to dissuade further Russian moves into Ukraine, while also working quietly with the new government in Kyiv to find ways to reassure the Russian populations inside the country they now govern, then our only real move here is diplomatic. President Barack Obama has said that there will be costs to Russia for its actions. But the reality is that our levers are minimal – like canceling a G-8 summit scheduled for Sochi later this spring. These diplomatic statements are appropriate, but are not likely to persuade a nation to give up on the pursuit of what it considers a vital national interest. We can state up front what those costs might be – but we have to then fasten our seatbelts because Russia has tools to retaliate – economically and geopolitically. They can, for example, cut off energy flows not only into Ukraine but deep into Central Europe. This would cause significant economic dislocation, threatening the fragile recovery from the Eurozone crisis and thus America’s economy as well. Meanwhile, there is no solution to the North Korean crisis, Afghanistan transit routes, Iran’s nuclear program, and the Syrian civil war which do not involve the Russians. There is ultimately no long-term solution to the Ukrainian crisis, given the demographics of that country, which do not involve the Russians. Moscow appears to have dramatically and illegitimately put their foot down on top of Crimea to make that point.
Fourth, we also have to ask ourselves what might we do that could create an unintended chain of events that undermine our interest in seeing the existing situation de-escalate? One thing that should be immediately off the table is discussion of NATO involvement. There are no realistic NATO options that could positively affect the situation. Any NATO role would feed right into the hands of hardliners in Moscow and those who might seek to divide Ukraine. We see NATO in the west as a benign force – the Russians see it as an enemy trying to undermine their vital interests. There are some minor military maneuvers we could take that would signal our capabilities. For example, some scheduled naval exercises near the Turkish Straits in the Black Sea would make clear who controls access in and out of the region which would lessen the relevance of Russian control of Crimea should they not alter their approach. NATO needed to meet in response so as to show its relevance and assuage its new members like the Baltic countries. But NATO did not intervene in Georgia in 2008 and it is not going to intervene in Ukraine in 2014. Statements, like that from the NATO Secretary General saying that these events “threaten peace and security in Europe” are only true if the situation escalates, and ironically, any involvement of NATO in this would likely be used a major reason for Russia to justify escalation.
When developing strategy, one has to assess the center of gravity of an adversary’s intent. In this case, Vladimir Putin seeks to position himself as a serious global player who can shape major international outcomes – as he did in the recent Syria crisis. Putin also seeks to present himself as giving voice to the deep humiliation Russia suffered at the end of the Cold War and restore its sense of pride of place in the world. The primary costs of Russia’s incursion into Ukraine should be political – the exposure of this Putinesque vision as a false promise to the Russian people themselves. By shaming Russia – at the United Nations and in other world bodies as a pariah state, with time, it can become clear that today’s Moscow is hurting Russian’s aspiration to greatness, not helping. In that sense, our first call should not be to NATO – but rather out of the Nixon-Kissinger playbook – to Beijing. By reaching out to China (which has important trade interests in Ukrainian grain) to continue to assert their deeply held principle of sovereignty as now applied to Ukraine – we can jointly signal to Putin that he is boxing his people in, and that his gambit on Ukraine will undermine broader Russian objectives. This, however, requires time, and patience, and a vigilant calibration of our own rhetoric. “Do something” is a platitude, not a strategy.
The Ukrainian situation is serious, and it is destabilizing to the immediate region. It is highly possible that, if it escalates, we will need to bear significant costs and risks. These should be limited, however, to diplomatic, intelligence, and economic tools. And we should be clear-eyed with ourselves what this means. If the situation escalates, then we risk losing essential Russian engagement on North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran’s nuclear program, and Syria. We risk economic retaliation against European allies at a time of continued deep economic difficulty in the Eurozone. It will mean owning economic responsibility for rebuilding Ukraine – requiring many tens of billions of dollars of loans from the American treasury. So, our policies need clear eyed realism – and they need to start with the basic assumption that, as bad as this is, our main interest is that it de-escalate and fast.
Jon Western has spent the last fifteen years teaching IR in liberal arts colleges at Mount Holyoke College and the Five Colleges in western Massachusetts. He has an eclectic range of intellectual interests but often writes on international security, U.S. foreign policy, military intervention, and human rights. He occasionally shares his thoughts about professional life in liberal arts colleges. In his spare time he coaches middle school soccer, mentors the local high school robotics team, skis, and sails.
It is wishful sentiment to hope that “our main interest is that it de-escalate and fast.” But, a hard-liner bent on regaining former glory cares not of our wishes. Sometimes the pathway of ‘peace at any price’ is more costly in the long-run.
It is also important to note that Russian minority fears in Ukraine are not entirely unfounded. Despite the quotes that often go around “fascist” (as if they didn’t exist), it is undeniable that there are neofascist elements in the Ukrainian nationalist movements in the West. Of course, Putin has taken this little toehold and ran wild with it. The new leadership in Ukraine should have taken immediate steps to reassure the Russian-Ukrainian minority that it would not impose “Baltic solutions” on them (see https://estonia.eu/about-estonia/society/citizenship.html). Instead, they gave a sop to the right-wing and repealed the 2012 law on the Russian language. US and EU should have worked to ensure that that would not happen. None of this means a Russian invasion is in any way justifiable, but Russian-Ukrainian fears should not be dismissed out of hand.
There has been no recorded far right or “fascist” event in Crimea in the last 60 years? Secondly the acting President did not sign your “sop” to the right wing and the language law on minority language is still in place (though technically Ukrainian is the minority language in use in Ukraine). Finally, have you been to Estonia or Lative (your Baltic fascist nightmares), they literally have to police their border from Russians trying to illegally move there to those repressive Baltic countries.
Whoa. I never said their were fascists in Crimea. However, it is not deniable that they were part of the movement that overthrew Yanukovych. That doesn’t give Russia an excuse to invade as there were no direct threats to Russians and the “fascist threat” was magnified. However, the new government should repudiate those groups in no uncertain terms. Extremists should have no part in a unity government in Ukraine. Bringing up this fact does not make me a Putin sympathizer. I simply think that the US-EU could’ve pre-empted giving this weak reed to Putin in the first place by ensuring a more orderly and balanced path forward for the new government that would be inclusive. Robert, frankly, you are being hyperbolic. I did not refer to the Baltics as fascist regimes. However, they do have restrictive citizenship laws that effectively deny citizenship to the most of the Russian populations there. It is a harsh form of assimilation that I find abhorrent and it gets very little attention. The fact that people want to move there means nothing. Mexicans came over the border to live in the US, I don’t think that means our immigration policy is beyond reproach. By all means, any Russian invasion must be condemned and Ukraine would be better of in EU and NATO in the long term. However, a shooting war must be avoided first.
Yes, they have withdrawn the language law, which was the right move, and a hopeful sign. Since the Crimean invasion, the new government in Kiev has been absolutely doing the right things. They have not provoked, they have made overtures, they have been incredibly restrained and have avoided playing into Putin hands. This gives them much more moral authority in my mind.
Russia feels the USA have pushed too far and crossed their line. It will now push hard to find out where the USA line is. It is certainly not in Ukraine.
@Jake Rabas : Well, a Nazi running the ukrainian secret service is not a little toehold. :)
I sincerely hope this man’s sentiments prevail: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26408353
Sean, you missed the point here. Obviously neither the US nor NATO is going to intervene in Ukraine. The question is: what price are we going to make Russia pay for invading its neighbor? I think there should be a package of security measures and a package of economic sanctions. The security measures are to do all of the things that Obama decided not to do to spare Russian feelings–emplace missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic, let Georgia into NATO, maybe throw in military exercises in Latvia and Estonia. The first two, of course, are permament–a permanent geopolitical cost Russia should pay for playing violent geopolitical games. The economic sanctions should not be targeted but broad-based economic warfare aimed at weakening the Russian economy to undermine Putin’s grip on power. Those, however, can be reversed if Russia pulls out of Ukraine. And oh, yeah, to sustain the new containment against Russia as well as the “pivot” to Asia, we need to cancel the DoD budget cuts. I hate to say it, but I’m with Lindsey Graham.
Hi Stuart – thanks for the points. We’ll agree to disagree! But good that scholars are having this discussion. Perhaps Nicholas Kristof will plug in. The BMD was canceled not because of Russia – it was canceled because Stage IV doesn’t work nor is there any sign it will. There is and will remain no consensus in NATO for Georgia, so that is a false promise. The Russian economy is already taking hits – look at the ruble collapse just today. But I agree that is the kind of approach we should be taking – but also be realistic that we may well suffer major costs – it would not be cost free to us and we have to assess that up front. I fail to see how the defense budget is pertinent here – I think that is a political not an operational argument. And, bottom line is whatever the approach we should also be very wary of the dangers of making a bad situation even worse. And, I hope that we are thinking carefully about opportunities with China here. And, my central point is that it is in fact not obvious that we will not intervene in Ukraine – we also have to calculate our approach relative to how the Russians are interpreting the situation – and from their perspective, the NATO role will be used as justification for even further spiral escalation. We can signal the same points without NATO – and should if anything emphasize the OSCE on this and bilateral approaches coordated as appropriate via NATO but quietly there. Anyway – great to hear from you – thanks for writing. SK
Hi Stuart – thanks for the points. We’ll agree to disagree! But good that scholars are having this discussion. Perhaps Nicholas Kristof will plug in. The BMD was canceled not because of Russia – it was canceled because Stage IV doesn’t work nor is there any sign it will. There is and will remain no consensus in NATO for Georgia, so that is a false promise. The Russian economy is already taking hits – look at the ruble collapse just today. But I agree that is the kind of approach we should be taking – but also be realistic that we may well suffer major costs – it would not be cost free to us and we have to assess that up front. I fail to see how the defense budget is pertinent here – I think that is a political not an operational argument. And, bottom line is whatever the approach we should also be very wary of the dangers of making a bad situation even worse. And, I hope that we are thinking carefully about opportunities with China here. And, my central point is that it is in fact not obvious that we will not intervene in Ukraine – we also have to calculate our approach relative to how the Russians are interpreting the situation – and from their perspective, the NATO role will be used as justification for even further spiral escalation. We can signal the same points without NATO – and should if anything emphasize the OSCE on this and bilateral approaches coordated as appropriate via NATO but quietly there. Anyway – great to hear from you – thanks for writing. SK
Sean, good, thoughtful reply. One rejoinder, on “why should we double down on a failed policy”? I take that to be a reference especially to NATO enlargement. The answer is: path dependence. I also opposed NATO enlargement, especially to the Baltic states, as unnecessarily provocative to Russia. But we are where we are and we can’t go back. I take the moral of the current story to be the final proof that we cannot and will not socialize Putin into a policy of decent international conduct. Putin is an expansionist willing to use force; we have to contain him, raising the price of military intervention so high that he won’t try it again. Everything else is secondary. The threat to ethnic Russians is illusory–Kiev already backtracked on the removal of Russian language rights.
“The question is: what price are we going to make Russia pay for invading its neighbor?”
Wrong question. The Russians have two interests: the navy bases and the position of Russians. Neither is an unrealistic or unfair demand. Unfortunately we keep hearing radical sounds from Kiev and it looks like American diplomats – rather than pushing Ukraine’s new government to compromise – are actually egging them on. Obama’s speech too was polarizing instead of looking for common ground.
Great perspective as always. Question – if we reach out to China and they do assert their interests re: trade lines, what’s the potential for Putin to double down on Crimea rather than responding more rationally?
I am trying to figure out what windmill the author is addressing? Who is arguing for a NATO offensive on Russia or NATO membership tomorrow. That said, why does the author believe Ukraine is worth less than Poland or Romania? You either stand for principle in stopping the first invasion of a truly European country in half a century or you give up Sudetenland at your own peril.
Why should we view Russian interests or desires as ‘legitimate’ ? Factors to consider, sure. Sacrosanct concepts to respect as if they were our own? Hardly.