Episode 30: A Long, Strange Trek

18 05 2023

It’s our first “actual” installment of Whiskey & IR Theory in Space! We discuss Star Trek: The Next Generation’s ‘gay rights’ episode, “The Outcast,” which Dan uses to introduce his students to different modes of “reading” the politics of (and in) science fiction. PTJ and Dan summarize the episode (can you spoil an 30+ year-old TV show?), discuss their own reactions to it, and then Dan talks about how his students respond to it differently now than they did a 10-15 years ago. The two hosts conclude by descending into rambling geekery as they discuss what they’ll cover in the second installment of the series. 

The answer, by the way, is the two short stories that PTJ opens his class with: Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” and N.K. Jemisin’s “Those Who Stay and Fight.” 

The Whisky: Port Charlotte CC:01

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Patrick Thaddeus Jackson is Professor of International Studies in the School of International Service, and also Director of the AU Honors program. He previously taught at Columbia University and New York University. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University in 2001. In 2003-4, he served as President of the International Studies Association-Northeast; in 2012-2013, he did so again. He was formerly Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Relations and Development, and is currently Series Editor of the University of Michigan Press' book series Configurations: Critical Studies of World Politics. He was named the 2012 U.S. Professor of the Year for the District of Columbia by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Jackson's research interests include culture and agency, international relations theory (particularly the intersection of realism and constructivism), scientific methodology, the role of rhetoric in public life, civilizations in world politics, the sociology of academic knowledge, popular culture and IR, and the formation of subjectivity both in the classroom and in the broader social sphere. Jackson is also a devoted (some might say “obsessive”) baseball fan, and a self-proclaimed sci-fi geek.