These syllabi are submitted by our members. If you have course syllabi that you would like us to include then feel free to email us.
- Stephane Baele, “Contemporary Theories of World Politics” (.pdf)
- Felix Berenskoetter,”Identity in International Relations” (.pdf)
- Felix Berenskoetter,”Power in World Politics” (.pdf)
- Benjamin de Carvalho and Halvard Leira, “International Relations Theory” (.pdf)
- Inanna Hamati-Ataya, “Dissident Perspectives on World Politics” 2012-2013 (.pdf) and 2013-2014 (.pdf)
- Inanna Hamati-Ataya, “Knowledge and Power” (.pdf)
- Kimberly Hutchings and Peter Wilson, “International Political Theory” (.pdf)
- Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, “Theories of International Politics” (.pdf)
- Terilyn Johnston Huntington, “Political Thought” (.pdf)
- Elizabeth Kier, “Advanced IR Theory” (.pdf)
- Ronald R. Krebs, “Theories of International Relations” (.pdf)
- George Lawson, “Theories of International Relations” (2011-2012 .doc; 2012-2013 .pdf)
- Ned Lebow, “International Relations Theory” (.doc)
- Ronnie Lipschutz, “Critical Interventions in IR Theory and Global Political Economy” (.pdf)
- Andrew Neal, “Theories of International Relations” (.pdf)
- Dan Nexon, “Interstellar Relations” (.pdf)
- Dan Nexon, “Theories and Approaches” (.pdf)
- Ingo Peters and Wiebke Wemheuer-Vogelaar, “Locating the ‘I’ in IR Theory: Non-Western Contributions to International Relations” (.pdf)
- Brian Rathbun, “International Relations Theory” (.pdf)
- Chris Reus-Smit, “International Relations Theory” (.pdf)
- Maria Rost Rublee, “Critical Issues in International Security” (.pdf)
- Jill Steans and Marco Vieira, “International Relations Theory” (.pdf)
- Halit Mustafa Tagma, “International Relations Theory” (.pdf)
- Ann Tickner, “Advanced International Relations Theory” (.pdf)
- RBJ Walker, “Cultural, Social and Political Thought” (.pdf)
- RBJ Walker, “Boundaries, Borders, Limits” (.pdf)
- Antje Weiner, “Global Constitutionalism” (.docx)
- Antje Weiner, “Norms Research in International Relations (.docx)