44th President of the United States
Dr. Peter Howard focuses on US foreign policy and international security. He studies how the implementation of foreign policy programs produces rule-based regional security regimes, conducting research in Estonia on NATO Expansion and US Military Exchange programs and South Korea on nuclear negotiations with North Korea.
by Peter | 5 November, 2008 |
44th President of the United States
by Peter | 5 November, 2008 |
7pm in the east, first polls close. Too early to call most key states, but Indiana is too close to call, which is telling, I think.Consider this an open discussion thread, will update as things happen-- I need to go put the kid to bed, so i'll be back after a rousing Good Night Moon.Updates throughout the night, below the fold:7pm One thing to watch for that the MSNBC folks are prattling about (i'm flipping between msnbc and cnn) is African-American turnout. The TV people are hinting that its not just big, but Huge. As in Huge enough to swing NC and VA and put GA in play.I won't miss Liddy...
by Peter | 4 November, 2008 |
Larry King on CNN: Dixville Notch, NH goes for Obama, 15 - 6.First time that city has gone D since 1968.Sign of the times-- the results are already up on Wikipedia, not even 15 minutes after midnight, early election day morning.
by Peter | 3 November, 2008 |
This, SNL's cold-open with John McCain from this past Saturday, was quite funny. As I mentioned earlier, SNL has done a really good job pointing out the fundamental flaw in the McCain campaignIts not just that McCain is so tied to Bush, or that he's a true Maverick--a Republican without money--but that he's allowed himself to become such an object of satire, so open to ridicule. All of the punch-lines in that sketch are points that McCain has emphasized on his campaign. Indeed, at one point or another, things he's put as the centerpiece of his message, substituting for substance. And, in...
by Peter | 24 October, 2008 |
is best articulated here.
by Peter | 16 October, 2008 |
I actually enjoyed last night's debate much more so than the previous three. Part of it could be that I watched with a real-live crowd of college-aged students instead of by myself at home with only my minuscule live-blog audience. But mostly, I think, it was because it was, finally, more of an actual debate and less of a set of parallel talking points. The two actually had to speak to each other and were given sufficient time to articulate a campaign position, criticize the opponent, and then respond directly to that criticism. It made for a much more lively show.Overall, I thought that...
by Peter | 11 October, 2008 |
One thing that has been bothering me of late in the Presidential debate is how the press and the public are asking the wrong questions of the candidates about the economy. While part of it may be symptomatic of a general lack of understanding as to what is going on, it also betrays an intellectual laziness in those covering and discussing the campaign. Wedded to tired lines of debate, these questions rehash what we think is important and distract from the development of an understanding of the current state of affairs which has very little relationship to the ancien regime.Two general areas...
by Peter | 9 October, 2008 |
Brad DeLong reveals the secret to success in your career:B People Hire C People, A People Hire A People, A+ People Boast that They Have A+++ People Working for Them...Wise words. Heed them.
by Peter | 8 October, 2008 |
Why, o why do I subject myself to this exciting town hall styled 'debate'? Is boring, and my prediction is that it stays boring, and in the grand scheme of things, doesn't do all that much. And yet, I feel compelled to watch and blog. I guess it gives me something to do while my brisket is in the oven. Mmmmmmmmm brisket!McCain is good in this format, its his strength. He's hitting many of the same themes of the last debate. Obama is decent as well--he's better at speaking directly to the questioner, whereas McCain is on campaign message a bit more. He told these same stories in the last...
by Peter | 7 October, 2008 |
If this doesn't have you worried, this should, as it indicates a significant degree of panic by those who are supposed to save our economy. When Dr. Doom is surprised by the deterioration of the markets, things are bad indeed.