The twentieth Duck of Minerva podcast features Phil Schrodt of Pennsylvania State University. The interview includes Professor Schrodt's views on a number of interesting topics, including the history of quantitative and computational conflict...

The twentieth Duck of Minerva podcast features Phil Schrodt of Pennsylvania State University. The interview includes Professor Schrodt's views on a number of interesting topics, including the history of quantitative and computational conflict...
The seventeenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Iver Neumann, then of the London School of Economics.
This post would be much more interesting if it concerned the nexus of its three subjects. Sadly, it does not. I'm working on a forum piece with Vincent Pouliot on Actor-Network Theory (ANT) -- one...
The sixteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Robert Farley of the University of Kentucky and Lawyers, Guns and Money.
The original (OG) Duck of Minerva podcast. Hosted (mostly) by Dan Nexon.
2012 interview with Barry Buzan.
The fourteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Michael J. Tierney.
The thirteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Nicholas Onuf.
Audio from the Speculative Fiction and Pedagogy panel at the International Studies Association-Northeast 2012 convention.