The nineteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Daniel Drezner of Tufts University.

The nineteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Daniel Drezner of Tufts University.
I recorded an interview with Rob Farley yesterday on academic blogging and the academic blogsphere. I had planned to put it up this evening but, like, I suspect, a lot of Americans, I've been a bit...
2012 interview with Barry Buzan.
The fourteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Michael J. Tierney.
The original (OG) Duck of Minerva podcast. Hosted (mostly) by Dan Nexon.
One reason we decided to move to WordPress is superior podcast support. Of course, there's a learning curve involved. So this is a test run of the new podcast feed. If it works, you should have the option of playing my interview with Janice Bially Mattern directly from this post. That's all, folks.
Featuring Janice Bially Mattern. From 2012.
2012 interview with Vincent Pouliot.
2012 interview with Kathryn Sikkink.