The eighteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Stefano Guzzini of the Danish Institute for International Studies and Uppsala University . Professor Guzzini discusses, among other things his intellectual and educational background, his important...

The eighteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Stefano Guzzini of the Danish Institute for International Studies and Uppsala University . Professor Guzzini discusses, among other things his intellectual and educational background, his important...
The thirteenth Duck of Minerva podcast features Nicholas Onuf.
Audio from the Speculative Fiction and Pedagogy panel at the International Studies Association-Northeast 2012 convention.
One reason we decided to move to WordPress is superior podcast support. Of course, there's a learning curve involved. So this is a test run of the new podcast feed. If it works, you should have the...
The original (OG) Duck of Minerva podcast. Hosted (mostly) by Dan Nexon.
This is just a quick note to ask for input.I'm planning out the Duck of Minerva podcast schedule for the next few weeks. My original plan was to alternate interviews with some kind of "riff" episode involving two or more Duck contributors. But PTJ will be unavailable and most of the Duck crew is really busy, so I've been focusing on interview episodes.I've either scheduled or am in the process of scheduling those interviews. I'm very pleased with the list of scholars who have agreed to come on the podcast, but I'd like to know if there are specific individuals that our readers would like to...
Interview with Daniel Levine.
2012 interview with Alexander Cooley, focused on Central Asian politics.
PTJ and Dan discuss academic administration and the foreign-policy rhetoric of the 2012 campaign.