Robert Cox’s landmark article, “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Rela…

Robert Cox’s landmark article, “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Rela…
Don't miss the live recording of episodes 32 and 33 of Whiskey & IR Theory on June 21, 2023, starting at 3pm. We'll be taping at the BISA annual conference. Rumors suggest that there may be...
Patrick and Dan talk about the newest feature of the podcast: a series in which they combine thei…
PTJ and Dan discuss Cynthia Weber’s 1994 book, Simulating Sovereignty: Intervention, the State an…
Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (PTJ) and Dan Nexon drink whiskey and discuss international-relations theory.
The University of Chicago’s Paul Poast claims that G. Lowes Dickinson is was the OG “modern” theo…
Scholars of international relations don’t agree on much, but they at least agree that anarchy (th…
What is the topography of international-relations theory in the People’s Republic of China? What …
In this “Whiskey Optional” episode, PTJ facilitates a conversation among four colleagues from dif…