Patrick and Dan talk about the newest feature of the podcast: a series in which they combine thei…

Patrick and Dan talk about the newest feature of the podcast: a series in which they combine thei…
Arnold Wolfers is one of the most important figures of “mainstream” mid-20th century internationa…
ess than a year after the appearance of "The False Promise of International Institutions," the journal International Security published replies from Robert Keohane and Lisa...
Patrick and Dan continue their nostalgic tour of 1990s international-relations theory and spend s…
Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (PTJ) and Dan Nexon drink whiskey and discuss international-relations theory.
We discuss Cynthia Enloe’s classic work of feminist international-relations theory. Note that thi…
After we finished recording the material in Episode 9, we stayed on and talked some more. These a…
Patrick and Dan host a panel discussion with Jarrod Hayes, Nawal Mustafa, and Robbie Shilliam.
Dan and Patrick finish out their discussion of Yaqing Qin’s 2018 book. They focus on aspects of Q…