Academics are increasingly becoming targets of online harassment, but too many universities and colleges are unprepared to support and protect their faculty. What steps should they take?

Devon Cantwell (she/her/hers) is a Ph.D. student at the University of Ottawa in the Department of Political Studies. Devon’s research studies how cities globally enact climate mitigation and adaptation plans, with a specific focus on the multi-level relations of city climate action planning as well as the ethical implications of city climate actions. Her research focuses on case studies of the adaptation and mitigation strategies of four global mega-cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Seoul.Devon uses a broad range of methods in her research including interviews, ethnography, spatial ethnography, GIS analysis, archival research, policy document analysis, as well as quantitative analysis. She is a 2021-2022 Fulbright Research Fellow to Vietnam and will be based in Saigon with the Southern Institute for Social Sciences (SISS), studying city climate change mitigation and adaptation in Vietnam. She is also a co-PI on the project “ROK-US Collaboration on Environmental Policy,” funded by the Korea Foundation.