Gisela Hirschmann is Assistant Professor of International Relations at Leiden University, The Netherlands. She holds a Ph.D. from Free University Berlin, Germany. Prior to her appointment at Leiden, she was Assistant Professor (Junior Professor) for Global Governance and Humanitarian Action at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. She held a Max Weber postdoctoral fellowship at the European University Institute (EUI) between 2015 and 2017, and a Weatherhead Scholar Fellowship at Harvard University in 2020. Since 2017, she is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the United Nations Association of Germany.
Her research interests focus on international organisations, multilateralism, institutional change, and accountability in global governance. She has published in leading international journals, such as the European Journal of International Relations, the Review of International Studies, Cooperation and Conflict, and International Affairs. In her recent book, published by Oxford University Press, she analyzes the conditions for accountability in global governance. In her current projects, she investigates 1) how international organizations react to contestation by member states and 2) the impact of arts-based peacebuilding.